A Mother's Perspective

by Kathie Garcia 

I can remember vividly, the second day in the hospital (as soon as the tube was out of Eduardo’s throat and he could speak) he said to me, "I left the shell of the man I was on that forest floor and I took up the man I am and I am becoming, and I am an honest man. And I will beat this thing and I will live to motivate others.”

This was the turning point in Eduardo's life we are all still witnessing unfold. A moment of great challenge and of grace, to be given such an opportunity, He needed to muster all his will to meet it! I am still awed by the wonder of it all!

 What makes Charged so universally relevant is that each one of us has a unique life plan, our reason for being, a destiny we may embrace and realize, even perhaps go beyond. But so much would detour us, trip us up, blur our inner sense of who we are and how we can make a difference.  You see this in Charged, in Eduardo’s young life, you see him getting into trouble, getting kicked out of so many schools, but somehow returning over and over again. To what?  To his inner sense of truth. Eduardo always had a strong will, if at times misdirected! And so much love! But he also was at the top of his game before touching that dead bear and being shocked out of his senses by the electrical charge. He knew what it is to excel, to love –he excelled as a chef and through his travels had touched hearts around the world.

So you feel his heart beating, this is who you are, the past is prologue! Keep walking and don’t look back! Eduardo continues to teach me to listen to my own heartbeat, to be grateful for the breath of life, to make the most of the opportunity to live, to love, to make a difference in this world, daily!